All articles in category "Paper"
(1 – 6 of 6)

How-to: Prepare a word for book folding with Inkscape
Learn how to easily prepare your word art for book folding with the free vector graphics editor Inkscape.

Making custom book folding patterns becomes easier!
The bookart generation page has received a small update that can greatly simplify your book folding process.

Geburtstagskarte für Pinguinfans
Eine nette Geburtstagskarte für alle, die gerne Pinguine mögen. Zum Herunterladen, Anpassen und Drucken.

Creating Book Art
Tutorial for making book sculptures by folding the pages of a book.

Butterfly 3D Paper Picture
A printable template to cut out, fold and frame, featuring several delicate butterflies.

Einladungskarte zum Richtfest
Einladungskarte für alles, was mit Häusern zu tun hat: Richtfest, Einweihung, Baubeginn,... Zum Herunterladen, Anpassen und Drucken.