Inkscape Calendar of the Month: September 2024

By the end of each month, download your Inkscape calendar for the following month from, featuring a work of art created by a member of the Inkscape community for the Inkscape About Screen Contest.
Learn more about this series and how to make your own wall hanger for the calendar at “Inkscape Calendar of the Month: January 2024”.
Find all previously published calendar months using the tag ‘calendar’.
September Calendar
The image „Contest“ was created by Inkscape artist Djelita Abderrahmane (License: CC-By-SA 4.0) for the About Screen Contest for Inkscape 1.3.
The artwork shows a floating landscape of plants and drawing tools, dripping with ink, above a layer of green clouds, in autumnal colors.
This month, I don’t have enough time to think of a nice little tutorial for you all, like the last few months, because Kielux, the Linux and Open Source software conference in Kiel that I am one of the main organizers for, is approaching quickly.
I’ve had lots of fun making all our marketing and merchandise materials with Inkscape & Scribus again this year - ranging from social media graphics over small A6 flyers over cute mousepads to a big, almost 2m wide banner to be hung along the Veloroute, a ‘bike highway’ that connects large parts of Kiel. So, you can see, I’m quite busy at this time of the year!
I hope you will still enjoy your September Inkscape Calendar page, print it out and maybe, if you’re in the North of Germany or South of Denmark, join us in Kiel for Kielux!
It’s going to be worth it - we’re planning to have an Escape room game scavenger hunt, a raffle, Software Freedom Day breakfast & Community Barbecue, a Linux First Aid Doctor’s Practice, a job offer wall, a Linux Lounge for chatting and networking, an active break with a fitness instructor and penguins, a merch, food & drink sale, an exhibition (Ink/Stitch will be there, too, and demo their open source stitching software on Saturday!), – and of course, also 38 talks and 11 Workshops.
Download Calendar page September 2024 A3 (7063x9969px, PNG)
Wishing everyone a happy month of September!
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License. You may share and adapt the contents, as long as you publish the result under the same license and give appropriate credit.
If you like to use Inkscape and want to support program development, consider to become an active member of the Inkscape community or to make a donation. Your effort will help make Inkscape even more awesome!
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