Inkscape Calendar of the Month: August 2024

By the end of each month, download your Inkscape calendar for the following month from, featuring a work of art created by a member of the Inkscape community for the Inkscape About Screen Contest.
Learn more about this series and how to make your own wall hanger for the calendar at “Inkscape Calendar of the Month: January 2024”.
Find all previously published calendar months using the tag ‘calendar’.
August Calendar
The image „A New Dawn“ was created by Inkscape artist Fabian Mosakowski (License: CC-By-SA 4.0) for the About Screen Contest for Inkscape 1.2.
The artwork shows a park in a suburban area, populated by little people (Fabian calls them „townies“), symbolizing various tools in Inkscape. If you look closely, you can find:
- the Selector tool
, symbolized by the girl on the right who seems to scale up a flower
- the Node tool
, displayed as the girl who chisels away at the engraving of the word „Inkscape“ in the center
- the Ellipse tool
, as the sun hauled up into the sky by the crane
- the Star/Polygon tool
, by the little guy with the spiky haircut on the scaffolding
- the Pen/Bézier tool
, displayed as the tail of the cat with the little boy who chases it in the foreground
- the Pencil tool
, represented by a mischievous boy drawing figures onto a white fence on the right
- the Text tool
, shown as the young woman painting the Shop sign on the left
- the Dropper tool
, as the serene bearded man who seems to color the roses behind the monument
- the Bucket Fill tool
, symbolized by the angry person with the (Star tool person’s) bucket on his head on the left
- the Spray tool
, represented by an elderly woman on a balcony, spraying a fly with an insecticide
The couple does not seem to represent any tool, most likely they are just enjoying what Inkscape offers them and what people create with it.
The tools’ links above will lead you to the corresponding sections in Inkscape’s Beginners’ Guide, and to their keyboard shortcuts in Inkscape’s keyboard shortcut list.
If you get bored on a rainy or too hot day this month, it could be fun to go exploring the documentation – you may learn about some surprising capabilities and ways to use your favorite Inkscape tools that you never knew about!
Have fun exploring the tools, and don’t forget to print your August Inkscape calendar page:
Download Calendar page August 2024 A3 (7063x9969px, PNG)
Wishing everyone a happy month of August!
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License. You may share and adapt the contents, as long as you publish the result under the same license and give appropriate credit.
If you like to use Inkscape and want to support program development, consider to become an active member of the Inkscape community or to make a donation. Your effort will help make Inkscape even more awesome!
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